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#27. why do most teenagers have a smart mouth?
#26 what do i say to bullies
#25 Do boys look at you in a diffrent way if u have big boobies
#24 Any,why am I so depressed at times and is 109 a good weight for an 12 year old
#23 Why do i sweat alot i put deordorent on everyday tough
#22 How do I tell my boyfriend that I love him without making it awkward??
#21 why do most teens get pimples?
#20 my boobs are small and im 15 do you think they will grow any more?
#19 what do I do if my son is acting out and vandalizing with other kids
#18 Will I grow!!!!
#17 My brother is always blackmailing me with my crush to my parents and teasing me everyday that I like him, what do I do to stop it?
#16 Period late
#15 how do you handle a rude, manipulative, and bossy sibling?
#14 Is my crush normal?
#13 Preventing Cyber-Bullying
#12 Embarrassing erections
#11 At what age does a girl get her period
#10 Why won't my boobs grow?
#9 Pubic hair
#8 Bullies and Bullying
#7 How to have a drama-free relationship
#6 When does a boy become fertile
#5 Penis Growth
#4 What age do girls get breasts
#3 First Period
#2 Growth Spurts
#1 Body hair
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