I'm 14 and I really like my boyfriend. We've been dating for about three months. The thing is that I think I love him. I'd do anything to stay with him forever. Is this normal at 14? I'd really like to know more about this. If you could suggest something

ANDY'S ANSWER: I know it feels like you will feel like this forever, but it probably won't be like that. One of you will move on to someone else, and it probably will be very painful, but that's part of growing up. If you look at your friends and their relationships, you'll realize I'm right. Not very many teens can choose and manage a lifetime partner this early in life. i'm guessing you'll have many boyfriends over the years, and many of them will feel like it's the forever one. Yes, it's normal for 14. As a matter of fact, it's part of the growing and maturing process.


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