can coaches be bullies. my coach favors taller players, puts down the shorter ones, gives bear hugs to his favorites and I think that is wrong, then he eats food that they are eating then these same girls dance nasty in front of him.

the coach puts us down. If we do not laugh at him and his favorites, he literally tells us we are on his shit list and that we are pouters. His favored girls bully us on the court cuss at us and so does he. if any of us complain to the head coach, any chance he gets when the head coach is not around, he retailates against us as well as his favored ones. so now many of us are afraid to say anything. what do i do and what can i do. my mom has already tried to speak to someone, and he retailates against me when the other coach is not around. even with the few other girls whose parents have complained he does the same.

ANDY'S ANSWER: Anyone can be a bully and that includes adults. My advice would be to call a meeting with your parents and the parents of the other girls who feel that they are being bullied by this coach and tell them exactly what problems you all are having. You should go into this meeting with specific instances documented in writing and make sure that they are accurately depicted so that everyone agrees that that is how the situation really happened. After the group of parents have been able to discuss the situation with one another and with you girls, you can come up with a plan of action.

Together with your parents, you might decide it is your best interests to make a formal complaint to the head coach, or principal. Should you get no response from that, you might even want to take it further. The key would be to have the instances documented, to have others that back up your story, and have the group of parents and you girls all willing to stand together with your complaint. There is strength (and credibility) in numbers.

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