Family and media pressure to lose weight in adolescence linked to how people value themselves almost two decades later

Mon, 2024-04-15 21:18
People who as teenagers felt pressure to lose weight from family or from the media, females, people who are not heterosexual, and people experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage, are most at risk of 'internalized' weight stigma, new research has found.
Categories: Teen Health

Low cardiorespiratory fitness in youth is associated with decreased work ability throughout adulthood

Mon, 2024-04-08 11:06
A study confirms the concerns raised in the public domain about how young people's decreased fitness may affect their future work ability. The association of low youth cardiorespiratory fitness and adulthood decreased work ability persisted until the end of working life, which predicts substantial societal costs.
Categories: Teen Health

Positive associations between premenstrual disorders and perinatal depression

Thu, 2024-03-28 14:25
Women affected by premenstrual disorders have a higher risk of perinatal depression compared with those who do not, according to new research. The relationship works both ways: those with perinatal depression are also more likely to develop premenstrual disorders after pregnancy and childbirth. This study suggests that a common mechanism might contribute to the two conditions.
Categories: Teen Health

Earlier puberty onset may be one of the ways that childhood risk factors affect adult cardiometabolic health

Wed, 2024-03-27 13:49
Experiencing puberty earlier, compared to same-age peers, may be one of the mechanisms through which childhood risk factors influence adult cardiometabolic health issues, according to a new study.
Categories: Teen Health

2 in 3 parents say their adolescent or teen worries about how sick days may impact grades

Mon, 2024-03-25 15:24
Many parents recognize increasing mental health concerns among children, reflected by the 1 in 5 who say they're open to allowing a child to take a mental health day.
Categories: Teen Health

More intense exercise reduces post-concussion anxiety in teens

Tue, 2024-02-20 12:45
Returning to moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) after a concussion may play a vital role in helping teens feel less anxious while recovering from the injury, according to a new study.
Categories: Teen Health

Vittrup Man crossed over from forager to farmer before being sacrificed in Denmark

Wed, 2024-02-14 13:02
Vittrup Man was born along the Scandinavian coast before moving to Denmark, where he was later sacrificed, according to a new study.
Categories: Teen Health

Researchers find early symptoms of psychosis spectrum disorder in youth higher than expected

Tue, 2024-01-30 15:28
A new study has found evidence that Psychosis Spectrum Symptoms (PSS) are often present in youth accessing mental health services.
Categories: Teen Health

Asthma rates climb for high school students as cannabis use increases

Mon, 2024-01-29 10:24
Asthma is more common among high school students who use cannabis, relative to those who do not and the prevalence of asthma increases with the frequency of its use among the students, according to a new study.
Categories: Teen Health

Childhood stress linked to higher risk of high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes in adults

Wed, 2024-01-17 12:37
Young adults who reported higher stress as adolescents were more likely to have high blood pressure, obesity and other cardiometabolic risk factors as adults, finds new study.
Categories: Teen Health
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